Wednesday, September 7, 2011

KDE 4.7 is Delayed in Debian

I think I owe a blog post here because I see a lot of users visit my KDE 4.6 being delayed post. Whenever I login to debian-kde IRC channel, the topic says "No ETA for 4.7." I don't have any other information on the topic. I did look at regular places where I check for info, but could not find any.

As debian is a voluntary project, we can't expect them to commit to a deadline. People have their own lives to live. But, I tried the IRC twice to get some information on why they explicitly say "No ETA for 4.7." It seems there is no special reason for delaying 4.7 other than the usual one, need more helping hands.

I hope people join their hands with Debian.

Update: KDE 4.7 is now available for Debian

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

> need more helping hands.

Just a quote that comments this best:

> It would be nice if devs write
> just a blog post or two to say
> "Hey, we're working on it!" or
> "we have problem splitting
> packages and building the
> dependencies". Maybe someone
> could be more interested in
> supporting them, or even joining
> the team. I think they're too
> much isolated, isn't this the
> era of communication?