Monday, January 31, 2011

Awaiting KDE 4.6 in debian sid

I frequently visit for updates, and noticed the release of 4.6.

I am expecting a functioning kmail, which is ready for production, and a lot of new widgets. Very curious to keep my hand on Activities as the concept itself seems to be redesigned and reintroduced in 4.6. And delighted to see improved kate with SQL plugin, and KDevelop being shipped with KDE 4.6 rather than as standalone.

Unfortunately, still using 4.5 since 4.6 did not make it into debian repositories, as of today, since Squeeze is still under freeze. And not to my surprise, it did not even make to the semi-official May be no one bothered to put it there since the freeze is expected to finish in a couple of days, and this release may be the one to flow into the repositories. I envy the Kubuntu users who have a chance to upgrade using the PPA packages.

Lets be patient.

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